31.07 - 31.08
Istruzioni per l'uso
22.02 - 11.03
Born in 1997 in the mountains of Trento, I began my academic journey in Visual Arts in Florence in 2016 and completed it in early 2023 in Turin.
In 2022, I co-founded Corrispondenzewith Cristina Materassi, an ongoing participation-based artistic and editorial project. From April to September 2023, I undertook a post-graduate internship in Vienna at the philomena+art space. I currently live in Bolzano, where I work as a cultural producer for the Lungomare cooperative and as a freelance graphic designer and visual artist.
My practice encompasses workshops, photography, archiving, graphic design, and printing, with a focus on participation as a catalyst for dialogue and collective creation. The key themes in my work are dwelling, territory, and belonging. My current researches focus on three main areas: the role of things (Heidegger, 1949) as relational nodes in the act of dwelling; the potential of language to reshape the concept of belonging; and the intersection of archiving and inhabiting, articulated through a series of independent artistic publications.
Soggiornare presso le cose
"To dwell among things" - Ongoing Research
Cyanotype, Lumenprint
Trentino – South Tyrol
An ongoing research project exploring "things" as pivotal relational entities, critically examining the dynamics between human dwelling and the environments that sustain it. The project challenges the dominance of individualism and underscores the interconnected nature of reality. Drawing on Heidegger's view of things as crossroads of relations, it argues that things are not inert objects but dynamic entities that reveal meaning through relationships and contexts. This approach opposes the reductionist perspectives common in consumer culture, advocating for a new practice of engaging with things as relational nodes that define belonging, memory, and identity.
The project investigates how collecting, cataloguing, and engaging with "things" can transform relationships with environments and spaces. Central questions include: What are the "things" that define personal dwelling? How do things, as relational entities, enable engagement with both human and non-human Otherness? How do things, or their absence, shape societal ways of dwelling, reflecting issues such as colonialism, cultural appropriation, and belonging? How can archiving and critically discussing dwelling-related things inspire new ways of inhabiting the world?
Foto dal finestrino
"Photo from the window" - Photographic Exploration
Marrakech – Merzouga – Fes
An ongoing research project exploring "things" as pivotal relational entities, critically examining the dynamics between human dwelling and the environments that sustain it. The project challenges the dominance of individualism and underscores the interconnected nature of reality. Drawing on Heidegger's view of things as crossroads of relations, it argues that things are not inert objects but dynamic entities that reveal meaning through relationships and contexts. This approach opposes the reductionist perspectives common in consumer culture, advocating for a new practice of engaging with things as relational nodes that define belonging, memory, and identity.
The project investigates how collecting, cataloguing, and engaging with "things" can transform relationships with environments and spaces. Central questions include: What are the "things" that define personal dwelling? How do things, as relational entities, enable engagement with both human and non-human Otherness? How do things, or their absence, shape societal ways of dwelling, reflecting issues such as colonialism, cultural appropriation, and belonging? How can archiving and critically discussing dwelling-related things inspire new ways of inhabiting the world?
"To dwell among things" - Ongoing Research
Trentino / Vienna
Da quando, lo scorso anno, ho scoperto che la tomba dei miei trisnonni si trovava nella città di Vienna, in cui mi ero recentemente trasferita, è iniziato un viaggio alla ricerca delle radici di una famiglia di cui conoscevo poco.
Alla fine del XIX secolo, come molti altri abitanti della val Rendena, la famiglia Polla si trasferì a Vienna, all’epoca capitale dell’Impero Austro-Ungarico, in cerca di fortuna come “Moleta”. Stabilitisi nel dodicesimo distretto, furono protagonisti di una storia che si intreccia con le vicende storiche del tempo. Carolina, la madre, morì giovane lasciando tre figlie che, durante il periodo del nazismo, tornarono in Italia.
Albina, una delle figlie, conservò una profonda nostalgia per Vienna, la città della sua giovinezza. Negli anni, tornò più volte per visitare la tomba dei genitori e di una sorella deceduta giovane, e la casa in cui avevano vissuto. Curare le tombe dei prori avi, per suo marito Giusto, anche lui migrante dalla Germania, era cosa di sacra importanza. Albina e lui documentarono questi viaggi con la loro macchina fotografica, come se ogni visita fosse un tour attraverso i monumenti della sua vita passata.
Saluto a Torino
"Farewell to Turin" - January – March 2023
Photographic Installation
Saluto a Torino is a ritual of farewell to a city that I inhabited for several years. The walks that make up this project do not evoke a past time but rather an unfinished, never-lived one. It is an attempt to explore, by walking through carefully selected areas on the city's map, the limits of my understanding of its landscape — what still eluded me or, conversely, the recurring elements to which I had become emotionally attached.
Saluto a Torino is comprised of five walks, undertaken between January and March 2023, and documented through photography, as well as a process of tracking and geolocating both the images and the routes.
Each walk is contained within a cardboard archive, shaped to resemble one of the most iconic architectural features of the explored locations. Inside the archive, which functions like a filing system, are twenty cards. On the front of each card is a geolocated photograph, accompanied by the corresponding coordinates and technical details of the route; on the reverse, a fragment of the map of the walk can be reconstructed by aligning all the cards in the archive.
The five archive-houses are intended to be arranged according to their respective coordinates, forming an interconnected network of spaces yet to be fully discovered. The viewer is invited to open the filing system and, by piecing together photograph after photograph, fragment after fragment, reconstruct the map of Turin as it was traversed. Through this process, they may either find themselves reconnected to the city or discover themselves entirely estranged from it.
Corrispondenze - Archive
Independent Artistic Publication
Part of Corrispondenze
a collaboration with Cristina Materassi
Archive aims to explore the actions of researching, collecting, and archiving in our time, and how these activities are interconnected with the way we perceive and represent the spaces we inhabit.
By amalgamating personal research, collective projects, and spatial investigations, this publication encourages the exploration of intimate and personal perspectives, serving as a starting point for examining pressing issues of our time.
If we regard archiving as the daily activity of preserving fragments of personal and collective memory, our homes and daily actions can be seen as the filing cabinets of our society. The landscape and its morphological structure can be interpreted as an archive of the transformation of nature into history, with marginal places as spaces to be rediscovered and reimagined.
Archive is a publication in English, divided into five chapters, released two months apart throughout 2024.
The first four issues feature the editorial adaptation of four artistic projects. The fifth volume is based on a collection of texts that explore the theme of the series from various perspectives, complemented by a visual reinterpretation created by a group of students from LABA in Rimini.
vol. A
Off Your Shoes
by Belhassen Handous, Joanna Pianka, Tomash Schoiswohl
Technical info: January 2024, 38 pages, 21 x 14.8 cm, singer stitch / Proofreader: Ofelia Tondi / Design: Paola Boscaini / Produced in collaboration with: philomena+, Vienna
+ Report from the panel discussion held by: Azizou Chehou, Wael Garnaoui, Leonie Jantzer, Thameur Mekki, Mariama Nzinga Diallo, Petar Rosandić aka Kid Pex
vol. B
Archives of the Earth
by Isadora Alves and Christoph Matt
Technical info: March 2024, 38 pages, 21 x 14.8 cm, saddle-stitched / Photographs by: Buero Ludwina / Design: DEAR DEER / Produced in collaboration with: HDK-Valand & Iceland University of the Arts
vol. C
by Gianlorenzo Nardi and Tommaso Silvestroni
Technical info: May 2024, 16 pages, 21 x 29.7 cm, saddle-stitched / Proofreader: Alessandra Baldon / Design: Gianlorenzo Nardi / Tommaso Silvestroni / Cristina Materassi
vol. D
Shaving a Kiwi
by Ying Liu
Technical specifications: July 2024, 30 pages, 21 x 14.8 cm / Proofreader: Alessandra Baldon / In collaboration with: Sarmad Magazine
vol. E
You Get What you See
With contributions from:
Beatrice Brunetto, Livia Polacco, Bochra Taboubi + studenti LABA Rimini (Caterina Putaturo; Francesca Saccone; Filippo Casadei; Veronica Mantovani; Benedetta Bonifazzi; Sebastiano Zanon; Emanuela Petrillo; Giulia Marrapodi; Floriana Savino)
Technical specifications: September 2024, 28 pages, 21 x 14.8 cm / Proofreader: Alessandra Baldon
Carrying a Piece of Home With Me
Carrying a Piece of Home With Me - December 2022
Video (15”), audio (19”), maps, mobile structure
Part of Corrispondenze
a collaboration with Cristina Materassi
Carrying a Piece of Home With Me is a house on wheels, a vehicle that carries and shares an intimate space within the public realm. A visible, mobile, and intriguing device, designed to welcome and host anywhere.
Walking along borders, observing the landscape, exploring squares and gathering places, engaging with residents to collect stories—these actions serve as a ritual to understand and connect with a place. What does it mean for us to inhabit a space? What is home? Where is home? How does my way of inhabiting differ from that of others? What is the fabric of dwelling, and how does it manifest in the Borgo Dora neighbourhood?
Il mutuo appoggio
Mutual Aid - July 2022
Micorrize / Rhizobium / Chamaerops humilis
Screen print on tracing paper
33 x 200 cm
Proposals for Symbiotic Living
Participatory installation
Wood, fabric, screen print
Mutual Support, as Peter Kropotkin writes, "is the driving force that allows the evolutionary process to develop in the biosphere, starting with the human species." Cooperation and mutual support within the same species, but also across different species, are mechanisms that, now more than ever, need to be rediscovered and reinterpreted. Observing models of symbiosis, the coexistence between organisms of different species, helps us understand how life on planet Earth is inherently entangled (Barad). No being is an island, not even humans. This awareness must inevitably lead to the development of a responsibility that steers us toward the search for sympoietic ways of life-based on mutual support and the co-becoming (Haraway) of all living beings.abilità che conduca verso la ricerca di modelli di vita simpoietici basati sul mutuo sostengo e il con-divenire (Haraway) tra viventi.
These screen-printed sheets start from these words and depict three types of symbiosis: mycorrhizae; the symbiosis between Rhizobium, a genus of bacteria, and legumes; the mutualistic relationship between the dwarf palm (Chamaerops humilis) and the weevil Derelomus chamaeropsis.
Riddle of the rotting fruit
Mutual Aid - July 2022
Unique edition
Series of 8 photographs
21 x 27 x 4 cm
Printed on acetate
Solid wood support
Riddle of the Rotting Fruit is a quote from ecologist Dan Janzen, who hypothesised that some fruit plants started to extinguish when the animals that dispersed their seeds began to disappear. An indicator of this phenomenon are those trees whose fleshy fruits fall and rot under their crowns.
The series Riddle of the Rotting Fruit is about ghosts. It portrays the ghostly footprints of that extinct megafauna that has left gaps in the ecologies within which it once lived. And it does so through the image of rotten fruit, an excess that becomes a lack and evidence of an absence.
La relazione.
Arte partecipativa
per spazi in-between
"The Relationship. Participatory Art for In-Between Spaces" - Master’s Thesis Research
Thesis Box + Archive
5 numbered copies
«Prendere coscienza comporta, come ci ha insegnato
Édouard Glissant, tremare: sentire che siamo parte
del problema che vogliamo risolvere. E, pertanto, capire
che non ci sarà alcun cambiamento possibile che
non implichi una mutazione dei nostri propri processi
di soggettivazione politica, dei nostri modi di produzione,
di consumo, di riproduzione, di nominazione, di
relazione, delle nostre modalità di rappresentare, di
desiderare, di amare. Prendere coscienza è farsi carico
del fatto che il nostro proprio corpo vivo e desiderante
è l’unica tecnologia sociale che può portare a
termine il cambiamento» (1).
This thesis project originates from a moment of uncertainty. From the difficulty in understanding our time, and, above all, from the challenge of figuring out how my body and my artistic action can fit within it.
What is the point of making art when the historical period we are living through in the West seems overwhelmed by a form of generalized impotence in the face of the events happening all around us, at an accelerated and relentless pace?
From climate change to the pandemic, from the war in Ukraine to the nuclear threat, to the growing support for far-right movements in Europe, this whirlwind of "bad news" is making us "fat" (2): we are no longer able to metabolize their emotional power and process them. Everything that happens seems out of our reach, too far beyond our control as individual beings, contributing to a growing sense of disillusionment that characterizes our time. We have become unable to let what is happening move us, a tired society, despite—or because of—the comfort we are immersed in and the abundance of means, stimuli, and information at our disposal (3).
To fight this tendency, we must resist the fatigue of the performance-driven self, a fatigue that isolates and detaches, that of the exhausted "I". We must (re)learn a new form of attention, allowing ourselves to be permeated by fatigue born from availability. Fatigue that comes from pausing and lingering to learn how to see.
Now more than ever, it is crucial to reclaim control over our lives as an essential condition for survival. To do so, we must, first and foremost, return to the land to bring back the historical memory that sees the inhabitants as active subjects, bearers of a consciousness of place, dynamic cultures, knowledge, and identities (4). We must do this starting from our living bodies, positioning ourselves clearly and becoming aware that our privilege within society is a tool we can use to subvert its rules.
One of my privileges is being a Westerner, with an academic background in the arts.
I want to use this privilege to propose an artistic practice that becomes life itself. A practice that walks on the margins, making itself interdisciplinary. One that shifts the focus from itself to the viewer, making them a participant, a subject. One that becomes pedagogical, serving as a tool to (re)learn how to see and (re)inhabit places. An artistic practice that is not elitist but capable of speaking to everyone. An artistic practice that becomes a political and social action.
(1) P. B. Preciado, The Reasons to Be Optimist, Internazionale, December 7, 2022, (accessed February 5, 2023).
(2) B.-C. Han, The Society of Fatigue, Rome, Nottetempo, 2020.
(3) Ibid.
(4) M. Alberto, The Territorial Principle, Turin, Bollati Boringhieri, 2020.
Conversazioni per fare-spazio
"Conversations for Clearing-Away" - November 2022 - ongoing
Embroidered Modular Carpet
Part of Corrispondenze
a collaboration with Cristina Materassi
Starting with squares of black fabric that could be combined in various ways, a lengthy conversation about dwelling was created during the project days at the end of November 2022. This dialogue was expressed through words initially drawn with chalk and later embroidered onto the fabric.
Over the course of four days, a room at the Artillery in Turin was transformed into a dynamic space where ongoing conversations about dwelling were left by passers-by. This fabric space grew and evolved daily, piece by piece.
Participation in this project was crucial for the collaborative development of both thought and space.
The fabric “carpet” did not adhere to a fixed shape but instead shifted in all directions, becoming symmetrical or asymmetrical based on the collective input. This ever-changing fabric space thus became a dynamic and adaptable archive, continually evolving with each new contribution.
Caccia al tesoro
"Treasure Hunt" - November 2022
game / installation
Part of Corrispondenze
a collaboration with Cristina Materassi
Caccia al tesoro (Treasure Hunt) is a work in motion, in space and time. It invites exploration of Cumiana15 and Borgo San Paolo, encouraging participants to observe closely, refine their perception, and gain insight into the space and its underlying mechanisms.
Produced for the NOVISSIMI+ exhibition, curated by Associazione Gheddo. NOVISSIMI+, a cura di Associazione Gheddo
2021 – ongoing
Physical and Digital
Part of Corrispondenze
a collaboration with Cristina Materassi
I imagine nostalgia as a picnic on an autumn meadow. A meal whose only participant is the subject who remembers. A moment where tastes and smells, like Proust’s madeleine, have the power to activate past memories.
This video arises from the intention and need to bring to light the process through which memories return to mind, allowing us to visualize the fractures we perceive when remembering. Memories, which are never linear or singular, are transformed and re-transformed by our daily experiences, returning to us in the form of fragments that overlap and tangle. A limbo where reality and fiction intertwine, where past and present annihilate each other, and where toy fish swim inside a pitcher of water, forcefully bringing us back to a forgotten childhood.